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snippet: Ohio EPA’s ground water protection requirements for voluntary cleanups are designed to address risks to residents and the environment posed by contaminated ground water. Many of these properties are located in highly urbanized areas which rely on community water systems to supply residents with safe drinking water. In those areas, ground water that contains chemicals from prior industrial or commercial activities poses no perceptible risk to the community because the ground water is not being used and will not be used for drinking water purposes in the foreseeable future. In these situations, an Urban Setting Designation (USD) may be appropriate. A USD recognizes that cleaning up the ground water to drinking water standards is not necessary because no one will be drinking the ground water. Other possible exposures to contaminated ground water (such as exposures to wildlife or streams in the area, or volatilization of contaminants to indoor air) still must be addressed even when a USD is granted for an area. USDs can be granted only by the director of Ohio EPA. The request must successfully demonstrate the property (or properties) meets all the criteria of a USD as specified in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rule 3745-300-10 before such a designation can be granted.
summary: Ohio EPA’s ground water protection requirements for voluntary cleanups are designed to address risks to residents and the environment posed by contaminated ground water. Many of these properties are located in highly urbanized areas which rely on community water systems to supply residents with safe drinking water. In those areas, ground water that contains chemicals from prior industrial or commercial activities poses no perceptible risk to the community because the ground water is not being used and will not be used for drinking water purposes in the foreseeable future. In these situations, an Urban Setting Designation (USD) may be appropriate. A USD recognizes that cleaning up the ground water to drinking water standards is not necessary because no one will be drinking the ground water. Other possible exposures to contaminated ground water (such as exposures to wildlife or streams in the area, or volatilization of contaminants to indoor air) still must be addressed even when a USD is granted for an area. USDs can be granted only by the director of Ohio EPA. The request must successfully demonstrate the property (or properties) meets all the criteria of a USD as specified in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rule 3745-300-10 before such a designation can be granted.
extent: [[-84.6264209520096,38.4918271270101],[-80.5923884842688,41.7177495319228]]
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thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: USD
type: Map Service
tags: ["DERR","USD","Urban Setting Designation"]
culture: en-US
name: USD
guid: 2EC3771C-4DC3-4E9D-9770-8EBBA91E1E3B
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Ohio_South_FIPS_3402_Feet